
Showing posts from April, 2019

Early Spring 2019!

Spring is finally here! The forest floor is covered with a new carpet of green and birds are singing all around us. Amphibians are calling from the ponds and insects are flying through the air. If you haven't been to Eberwhite Woods recently, come explore and observe the new flora and fauna that have suddenly appeared with the change of seasons. And please stay tuned, because new animals and plants are appearing in the Woods each week! Amphibians & Reptiles  The early amphibians in our Woods are spotted salamanders, wood frogs, and spring peepers. The spotted salamanders are very elusive and spend most of their lives in hiding - under leaves, in burrows, under trunks, etc. However, when the conditions are wet and warm enough in early spring, often by March, the adults leave their hidden homes and head for vernal ponds where they will breed. (These salamanders are dependent on vernal pools and cannot breed in larger bodies of water with fish as potential predator...