
Showing posts from May, 2018

Mid-Late May in Eberwhite Woods!

New Flora and Fauna from mid-late May 2018 (From left to right, top to bottom)  Ruby-throated hummingbird, Scarlet tanager (male), Baltimore Oriole, Goldfinch, Indigo Bunting Green Frog, Painted Turtle, Yellow-billed Cuckoo Red Trillium, Meadow Rue, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Wild Geranium, Spring beauty Common Split Gill fungi, Morel fungi

May 7th update for Eberwhite Woods

New species appearing in the woods this past week: contact: There is a fairly predictable succession of plants and animals each spring in Eberwhite Woods. Kids feel very empowered and connected to the natural world when they can name and identify the plants and animals around them. A strategy to help not feel overwhelmed and start learning the plants and animals is to go look for new species as they appear in the woods each spring. Here's what's happening this week: Wildflowers: The first wildflowers to bloom were trout lilies and then came the bloodroot, cutleaf toothwart, and spring beauties. Now the Jack-in-the-pulpit, Trillium, Mayapple, and bellwort are starting to bloom, while the bloodroot have finished flowering. Jack-in-the-pulpit, Trillium, Mayapple, Bellwort Frogs and Toads: The spring peepers were the first frogs to appear in the woods, then the woods frogs, and American toads soon afterwards. The woods frogs have already...